Kori's Forever Home Update

September 8, 2011
Luke must have played with Kori & her toys for a few hrs.
Kori loves Tulip's old toys.

September 9, 2011
Kori checking out the pool and then looking out the pool door.

September 10, 2011
Note the toy with sleeping Kori.... i asked Luke what he thought of Kori "she is AWESOME nana!"
He must have played with her for an hour or more!

September 11, 2011
The boys are staying over this evening. Luke stuck a toy in his pants and he was "enticing"
Kori to pull the toy out. Sam is "filming the event and Suzy is standing around,,,lol....
One thing about Kori is that she is in the thick of things!
She LOVES playing with the boys....she is very gentle and is not grabby when I allow them to give her a cookie.

September 13, 2011
Kori jumped into the laundry basket and she is still there as I type. haha!
I thought Suzy was a fast eater-but Kori has her beat! So here is my solution-I told Jim to get a bag of frozen peas and carrots at the market.
I put maybe 6 peas & 2 carrots into their bowl along with the kibble....this makes them slow down and chew the veggies! clever huh?
I heard the doggie door clicking and peaked out-Kori was out there peeing with a stuffed toy in her mouth! haha!

October 28, 2011
As usual, Kori loves her squeaky toys. and note Susy looking on!br> Marg

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