Our Golden Girl
Oh my, let’s see where I should begin,
To let all know my prior owners sins.
They were abusive there was no doubt,
But it was so difficult to tell anyone about.
When I had no more use in their minds,
I was left in a shelter and confined.
I was overwhelmed with despair,
For I was sure there was no one that would care.
You see I struggled and struggled just to walk,
But I could not tell anyone why for I could not talk.
Because I was filled with so much fear,
I would bite when anyone came near.
My future looked so dim and dreary,
I had given up and was too tired to worry.
What a wonderful surprise I had in store for me,
When my rescue angels arrived and set me free.
They asked me to try to put aside my fear,
They would always love me and always be near.
Those who loved me considered me their “Golden Girl”,
I was told I was more precious than any pearl.
As I began to cross the bridge I glanced back at my loved ones one last time,
I looked deeply into their eyes to assure them that I would be fine.
Then I turned to make my journey to those waiting beyond,
It seems someone must have waved a magic wand.
For with wind blowing through my hair I was able to run to them,
With my beautiful tail up, I felt no pain and I was whole once again.
By Jan Collins© 8-31-07
Oh Madonna, know that we will carry you in our hearts forever. We will meet once again to hold each other close.