Barbara's Forever Home Update

Forever Home

September 20, 2022
Hi Jan,
Skylee, now Barbara is doing great. We're working with her on leash training, she's getting used to it pretty quickly. We are working with her on potty breaks, she's getting accustomed to the schedule so hopefully soon she will be accident free. She loves the yard and the house, her and Walter are also getting to know each other and becoming friends.
Gareth and Kristy

September 27, 2022
Hi Jan,
Hey! Barbara is doing fantastic. She's becoming accustomed to walking now twice a day for exercise, she's used to the leash and we even got her a vest to keep her warm on the chilly days. Still working on the potty training but she's made leaps and bounds, and has had a few days accident/pee pad free.
Gareth and Kristy

December 24, 2022
Hi Jan,
Just wanted to update you on Barbara. She's done wonderfully and adjusted nicely to the house. Here are some photos of her through the year and now at Christmas time. She is loving having a brother in Walter and has come into her own. Hope all is well and have a happy holiday!
Gareth and Kristy

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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