Cosmo's Forever Home Update

Forever Home

December 28, 2019
Hi Jan!
Cosmo and Beau explored the backyard a little, we had dinner and we are snuggled in watching a movie. He is a little quiet and confused still but we are going to do great. Thank you so much for this opportunity!

December 29, 2019
Good morning Jan,
Cosmo seems much more relaxed today. We just puttered around the house and the three of us had a nice family afternoon nap in the big chair.

December 30, 2019
Hi Jan!
I think Cosmo would like me to report myself...I worked today so he didn't get his dinner until 4:45! LOL. When I got home at lunch time both boys were curled up in the big dog bed and didn't even hear me open the door but they were both in the kitchen giving me THAT LOOK, so I hopped right onto the dinner fixing! He is still a little hesitant sometimes but he is feeling more comfortable everyday!

December 31, 2019
I got pounced! He is the funniest thing ever! Beau is warming up to him and Cosmo seems fascinated with Beau.Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful soul, and for taking care of these babies.
Happy New Year!
Joan, Beau and Cosmo

January 6, 2020
When I came home at lunchtime Cosmo was so excited he spun in little circles so many times I think he made himself dizzy. He is so funny! Thank you again for sharing this beautiful soul with me!

February 17, 2020
Cosmo had his dental today and he did great! He actually had 5 teeth in there but they all had to come out. Beau was at the vet today too having some tests done and the vet tech said that when they brought Cosmo back from his surgery he was upset (of course). When Beau saw him he started fussing too so they put Cosmo in with Beau and they both snuggled down and took a nap. And I was worried they wouldn't get along!

September 16, 2020
Just wanted to check in, Cosmo is doing great, he's so much fun for Beauregard and me. He did have a little adventure however! One day I noticed his left eye was watering and seemed a little swollen so off to the vet we went. Turns out he had a prolapsed lens. The vet was concerned because usually that happens with an injury or cancer and she could not find a mark anywhere in his eye or eyelid or even his face! We had the surgery to remove the eye and the pathology report came back negative, no cancer thank goodness. He has already adjusted well, I am still a little freaked out but we are managing. I know i probably don't need to report this stuff, but I am so grateful for you caring for him and helping me find him that it feels right to update you, LOL. I will send pictures of our little pirate after his hair grows in, right now he pretty much has a curly mullet because they had to shave around his eye for the surgery. He looks pathetic, don't tell him I said so!

December 31, 2020
Hi Foster Mom!!! It's me, Cosmo!
I wanted to tell you how it's going...I was scared when I left you but I am really glad I came here. My Beau and my Joan NEED me. I tell them when it is time to eat breakfast and dinner and bedtime snack, Sometimes my Beau feels upset and says potty words because he gots the anxieties. He doesn't see very good anymore and he gots Cushing's disease too. Although cushions are very comfy so I don't understand that part? Anyway, when he feels upset I just wiggle around until our butts touch and sit by him until he feels better. I am very good at that! I have a very nice groomer lady who gets me SO FLUFFY and a dogtor who takes really good care of me. I was a little mad at them last week because they did poke me with a needle and stick a thermometer in my butt which I thought was rude, but they said I am very healthy which was nice! There's not as many doggies to play with but I still have fun here. Santa Paws brought us a bunch of new toys for Christmas! My Beau did already murder two because he likes to do that. My Beau and I do bark at stuff like when people knock on the door, and if my Joan is too slow getting breakfast ready I bark and bump into her legs to get her to the kitchen (It doesn't count as biting because I don't have any teeth!). I can't get up or down on the loveseat by myself but I get boosts and there's 2 soft doggy beds to sleep on when my Joan is gone to work. My Joan does very good cuddles and in bed I sleep right under her chin. She doesn't even mind if I drool on her a little bit! She laughs when I stick my tongue in her eyeball when she tries to sleep in on Saturday or when I steal the bathmat while she is in the shower!. I like when she laughs, it makes my butt wag. I wanted to tell you I appreciate you giving me loves and a home while I waited for my Joan and my Beau to be ready. And I appreciate you loving me enough to let me go too because I think that must be as hard as leaving you was for me! I love you and I love my Joan and my Beau and they love me. My Joan is going to send a donation on the Paypal to help pay for treats for my brothers and sisters and pictures from our New Year's Eve haircuts. I look good!
Happy Gotcha Day!

June 3, 2021
Hi, it's Joan this time.
Just wanted to check in, I know it's been too long. Beau has been going downhill for a while and we had to let him go 3 weeks ago. We just couldn't control his pain properly. It was hard, it has been just me and the boys for so long. It would have been so much harder without Cosmo. Not just company and love for me, although he is wonderful at that...he will come up to me on the couch or in bed and just lean his little head against me like the best hug ever! He was truly a comfort to Beau too. When he didn't feel well Beau would be quite cranky but Cosmo dealt with it so well. He would just quietly turn away and sit down so he was just exactly almost touching him and after a minute Beau would relax and they would be touching and that clearly helped him. He's so sweet and funny and truly loving. I was on a video call with my family for my niece's birthday, (she hasn't met himyet, stupid COVID!) and we were talking about sad stuff and suddenly Cosmo's favorite carrot toy flew up and landed on my keyboard! We laughed until my ribs hurt. There's no way that I can thank you enough! This little guy is just what we needed and you gave him a safe and loving home until we were ready for him. That is such an amazing gift to give someone!
Thank you!

July 27, 2021
Hi Foster Mom,
How are you? I got my haircut today, and a bath. I don't like the bath, but everyone always says how cute I am, and I like that part! Guess what? I'm going on vacation in September! We are gonna ride in the car and eat stuff and look at Lake Superior. I like to eat stuff! Lakes sound fun too. I still am having fun with my Joan but I do miss you. Sending poodle kisses!

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Photos on this page belong to the furbaby's housekeeper.
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